Dr. Richard Banach
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester.
Research areas:
My main research interests at present are:
Hybrid and cyberphysical systems.
Hybrid Event-B: its definitiion, theory and implementation.
Retrenchment, a means of formalising more of informal design. See the
Retrenchment Homepage.
Application of formal methods to problems involving continuous mathematics.
Formal methods in general, and their relationship to wider systems
engineering issues.
Blockchain applications and architectures.
Aspects of cryptography and security.
Bond Graph theory.
Quantum Computing.
Other research interests include:
Other technical aspects of formal methods techniques: regular relations;
relational aspects of specification theory and programming methodology;
concurrency theory and its applications.
Recent Publications
Mini CV and a bit more on research interests.
Teaching, Live:
COMP61411: Cryptography. The COMP61411 syllabus is here, and COMP61411.Info Course Information is here.
Teaching, in a Linear Superposition of Live and Dead:
COMP39112: Quantum Computing. The COMP39112 syllabus is here, and COMP39112.Info Course Information is here.
Teaching, Dead:
COMP26020: Programming Languages and Paradigms (PART 4). The COMP26020 syllabus is here, and COMP26020 Course Information is on Blackboard.
COMP36111: Advanced Algorithms I. The COMP36111 syllabus is here, and COMP36111.Info Course Information is here.
COMP31111: Verified Development. The COMP31111 syllabus is here, and COMP31111.Info Course Information is here.
COMP60110: System Construction Using B. The COMP60110 syllabus woz 'ere, and COMP60110.Info Course Information is here.
COMP70190: Computer Architecture and Systems. The COMP70190 official info page is here, and COMP70190.Info Course Information is here.
Finding me:
Room number: 2.99
e-mail: richard "dot" banach "at" manchester "dot" ac "dot" uk
Telephone: +44 161 275 5720